Todo lo que debes saber sobre una entrevista de trabajo
Aquí dejamos un manual en inglés que nos dice cómo comportarse en una entrevista de trabajo para conseguir el puesto ofertado, preguntas frecuentes y criterio de los entrevistadores. Esperamos que os sea muy útil y os sirva para familiarizaros con términos en inglés que quizás os sean deconocidos ahora en una lengua que no es la vuestra y que queréis aprender a convivir con ella.
The Most Popular Interview Questions
There are some questions you can expect to be asked at most interviews, so these are the ones you should really be prepared for. There are certain things an interviewer is bound to want to know about you, which is reflected in these questions. They will often come in the first half of the interview, since they are generally questions that the interviewer will be asking all the candidates.
We're about to go through a list of popular interview questions, so you can see the best kind of answer to give to each one. But, of course, there are some general guidelines which apply to every answer you give. So let's look at these first. The key things to remember when you answer any question are:
· Keep your answer relevant. If you are asked to outline your strengths, don't give a long list. Pick one or two key areas. You may have a dozen strengths, but just pick the ones that your interviewer most needs the successful candidate for this job to have.
· Listen to the question, and answer the question you've been asked. Don't sidestep difficult questions. Your interviewer isn't stupid - they'll notice you're doing it and they won't like it.
· And answer only the question you are asked; don't give lots of extraneous information. Keep your answers as brief as you can without omitting anything relevant.
What the experts say
When asked what impresses them least in a candidate, most professional interviewers cited 'not listening to the question' as a major factor. This includes answering the question the candidate wants to answer, rather than the one they were actually asked.
The most popular questions
These are some of the most popular, if not toughest, questions you are likely to be faced with during your interview.
The answers recommended here are not a script; the idea is to let you know the kind of answer that will impress the interviewer. You will need to put it in your own words, and find your own examples to give.
Tell me about yourself
This is not an invitation to give your life history. In fact, you really need the interviewer to be more specific before you can give the answer they want. So ask them, 'What aspect of myself would you like me to tell you about?' They are most likely to ask you to talk about what you're like at work.
You should aim to describe the kind of person you are in a couple of minutes at most. Concentrate on positive qualities, and link them to the key responsibilities of the job you're applying for. For example: 'I'm a people person - I enjoy working with people and being part of a team. I'm the sort of person who likes to get stuck into a project, and I really enjoy seeing a project right through from initial planning to the final stages ...', and so on.
Should they ask to hear about what you're like away from work, you still want to give them an answer that means you're cut out for the job on offer. So, again, if you want to show you're a good team player, you might tell them, 'I'm very social; I have lots of friends and I spend a lot of time with them. I play a lot of sports such as ice hockey.'
I'm not suggesting here that you lie. You've got plenty of time to think about this question before you get to the interview and be ready with suitable and honest answers about your personal or business life. If the job calls for a good team player, for example, it's likely you are one or you wouldn't be applying, so you probably have plenty of examples you could choose from.
What do you enjoy most in your current job?
This can be a kind of trick question. The interviewer is tempting you to indicate that there are things you don't like about your job. If that's so, presumably there will be things about this job that you don't like too - which isn't very encouraging. So the only answer you can really give is to say that you enjoy everything about your job.
If you think this sounds a little implausible, you can pick out one or two favourite parts of the job - making sure that they will be important parts of this job too, should you get it. So you might say, 'I'm lucky, really. I can't think of anything I don't enjoy about my job. But I suppose the thing I enjoy most is dealing directly with customers. That's why I've applied for this job; because I'd like the opportunity to spend even more of my time doing it.'
This answers the other obvious flaw in the 'I enjoy everything' answer, which is that it begs the question, 'Why are you looking for another post?'
What is the biggest challenge you've faced at work?
So long as you're prepared, this is a great question. You need to have an answer ready for it in order to get the best from it. The idea is that you not only describe the challenge, but also how you coped with it. So you need to pick an example thatleaves you looking good.
There is something else behind this question, too: the interviewer is also finding out what you consider a challenge. So think hard about the example you want to pick. Will it be a tough decision? A difficult situation? A system that needed overhauling to improve results? You get to choose, so pick something that will be relevant to this job, as always.
Just one rule of thumb to follow: it's dangerous to pick an example that involves problems with other people. It can give the impression that you find getting on with others a big challenge.
Why do you want to leave your present job?
It doesn't matter if the real reason is that you can't stand working with your boss any longer, or the company pays pathetically low salaries. Keep that to yourself. The interviewer is looking for a positive reason for moving forward, not a negative aim to avoid a job you're not happy in.
The only really good answer to this question is, 'Because I want to broaden my experience and I think I can do that better in a new organisation' (or words to that effect). If it's relevant to the job, you can expand on this briefly. For example, if the job entails giving a lot of presentations you might say, 'In particular, I enjoy presenting and it's something I've become very good at. Unfortunately, there aren't that many opportunities for me to develop my skills further where I am now.'
What is your present (or most recent) boss like?
Never criticise any of your bosses - current, recent or otherwise. The interviewer may be your future boss, and wants to hear you being loyal to other bosses, even behind their backs. So always be positive - even if your boss is a first rate sh**. Just say something like, 'I'm lucky to have a boss who is very good at her job', and leave it there.
The point is not only that your interviewer wants to see that you are loyal, but also that your interviewer is aware they don't know the other side of the story. So you may know your complaints are justified, but to your interviewer they may just make you sound like a carping whinger who is likely to talk about them in the same terms if they employ you.
What do you think is the role of a ... (whatever your current job is)?
You should have thought this question through before you are asked it (as you should have done for all of these questions). I can't tell you the answer, since I don't know what post you've applied for. But you need to answer in terms of the big picture:
· The overall objective of the job
· Key responsibilities.
As you may realise, you can pick up big clues from the job description if you're applying for a job in your usual line of work. But you will also want to draw on your own experience.
This question is sometimes given as a test; if this happens, the interviewer will interrupt to disagree with you. Their aim is to see whether you can defend your case calmly and convincingly, so don't be thrown by their interruption. Ask them politely to justify their assertion that your description of the role is wrong ('What makes you say that?'). Then show that you can argue your case well and without becoming defensive.
What do you know about our company?
This is a great opportunity to demonstrate that you've done your homework. Keep to the relevant points - size, turnover, nature of the business, growth and business ethos (for example, 'I know you're a young, growing organisation with a reputation for developing people'). Keep it brief, but add one or two things that suggest you've gone deeper than merely reading the annual report. For example: '... and I notice in the trade press that you've just signed a couple of very big deals in eastern Europe.'
Why do you want this job?
Try not to waffle about challenges and prospects. Talk in terms of benefits to them, and be specific about the kind of challenge you enjoy. For example: 'I'm a great organiser, and I'm looking for a post that gives me scope to plan and organise', or 'I get great satisfaction from working in a successful team, and this job seems to call for someone who can fit well into a tight, well-motivated team'.
This is also a good opportunity to show off the research you've done into the company - again keeping it brief and relevant. So you might say something like, 'I find growing companies have a more exciting, dynamic atmosphere to work in, and I know you've been growing by an average of six per cent for the last four years.'
What do you feel you can bring to this job?
This is another question that gives you a chance to shine. You need to link your past experience or skills to the requirements of the job. So pick about three key strong points in your favour that are relevant to this job. For example: 'I'm very experienced at dealing with customers, including tricky ones. I get on easily with other people so I work well in a team. And I'm naturally organised and find it easy to handle paperwork and fit in with whatever systems I need to. As I understand it, these are all important skills for this job.'
How long would you expect to stay with this company?
The interviewer isn't going to employ someone who'll be off again before they've got their full value from them. So indicate that you'd like to stay a few years. 'I'd like to settle with this company and grow and develop within it. I see myself staying as long as I keep progressing here and making a contribution.'
What are your greatest strengths?
Go for it. This is a perfect question - just focus your answers on the key responsibilities of the job to make sure your strengths are relevant to your interviewer. And make sure you don't waffle on for too long; pick one or two key strengths that are really important for this job.
What is your biggest weakness?
Oooh, tricky. This is one of those really tough questions. It invites you to say something negative about yourself. Resist. The best defence to use is one of the following:
· Humour ('Double choc-chip ice cream')
· Something personal, not work related ('I'm useless at getting round to household jobs - changing lightbulbs and fixing leaky taps')
· Something from long ago, which you have now learnt from ('Fifteen years ago I'd have said paperwork, but I've learnt to set aside half an hour at the start of every day for it. Now I reckon I'm more on top of the paperwork than the rest of my colleagues')
· Something that your interviewer will see as a strength ('I'm dreadful at stopping in the middle of something. I tend to say at work until a task is done, even though my family often complain that I'm late home').
All of these answers should avoid giving away any real weaknesses (should you have any), and they also avoid making you come across as arrogant and too perfect - something that really gets up interviewers' noses.
Where do you see yourself in five years' time?
You want to be careful how you answer this because, if you give a specific goal and the interviewer knows they cannot fulfil it, they will be put off hiring you. So keep it open. But remember that they want to know you have drive and will keep increasing your value to them. Say something like, 'I'm certainly ambitious, and I like to keep moving and progressing. But you can't fit a job to a preset list of conditions. I find it's far more rewarding to let the job lead you forward.'
How would your colleagues describe you?
This is an invitation to list your strong points, so grab it. Concentrate on your plus points as colleague - supportive, a good team player, and so on. As with all these questions, it's unwise to make any outrageous claims. You could well come unstuck if your references are checked out or when you start the job, if you're offered it. But, of course, you'll put the best complexion on things. So if you're a bit of a loner but get on with everyone, you might give an answer like, 'They'd say I was one of the quieter members of the team, popular and can be relied on to pull with the team when it's facing any kind of challenge.'
How would your friends describe you?
'What friends?' is the wrong answer to this question. In fact, it runs along much the same lines as 'How would your colleagues describe you?' Don't be unrealistic about yourself, but pick out the strongest points that will be relevant. It's always worth mentioning loyalty and supportiveness.
The interviewer is simply trying to get a more rounded picture of the kind of person you are, to help them assess whether you'll fit in with the people you'll be working with.
What outside interests do you have?
Your interviewer is trying to find out more about you. Your interests will tell them whether you are sporty, competitive, enjoy dangerous hobbies, like solo or group activities, and so on. Don't invent hobbies (you don't want your interviewer to say, 'Bungee jumping? Me too! Where's your favourite location round here for a jump? What kind of equipment do you use?'), but select those hobbies or interests that show you as the kind of person your interviewer is looking for.
What have you read and enjoyed lately?
Don't make up some fashionable answer here, or name a leading business book you haven't actually read. You may be asked questions about your answer. You don't have to mention the most recent book you've read, so pick one you've genuinely enjoyed that is slightly offbeat - you're not one of the crowd. You might want to choose an unusual classic, an avant-garde title or a biography - pick something that will show a side of you you'd like the interviewer to see.
Ready answers
Taking all of the above into consideration will help you make the right impression to win that job, but ultimately the answers will fall to you. As long as you are honest, considered and concise, the interviewer will gain a decent sense of your character. After that the only question remaining is whether you fit their bill, and that's a question they have to answer themselves.
Essential qualities
There are a few essential qualities you need to project.
Be responsive
Make an effort to give full (but not rambling) answers to your interviewer's questions, and to volunteer relevant information. Don't give one-word answers - they sound sullen and unhelpful, even if that's not your intention. So if they say, ''I see you trained originally in marketing?'' don't just say, "Yes". Answer, for example, ''Yes, I did. But in my first marketing job I did a lot of PR work, and particularly enjoyed the press side of it, so I decided to specialise in press relations.''
Be confident
You may be feeling anything but confident, but confidence is an attractive quality in an employee, so you need to show you have it. Research shows that interviewers just don't like giving jobs to people who put themselves down. Of course, this doesn't mean you should be pushy and arrogant, but don't apologise for yourself. If your interviewer says, "So it's two years since you did any actual face-to-face selling", don't say, ''I'm afraid so''. Say something like, ''It is, but I always feel it's one of those skills that you never lose once you've learnt it.''
Be energetic
People who project life and energy come across as so much more positive, capable and even inspiring than those who seem flat and sluggish. So stay upbeat, sit up straight, speak clearly and make eye contact (with all your interviewers if there's more than one).
Be enthusiastic
This is closely related to being energetic, and goes alongside it. Enthusiasm towards the job and the position is important to interviewers (yes, I know it was number five on the list, but they were all important). The best way to transmit this enthusiasm is by seeming interested in what both you and the interviewer are saying. If you genuinely are interested, you shouldn't find this too difficult - just make sure you let it show.
The Interview
Most interviews run loosely along the following lines:
1. After an initial brief chat, the interviewer will ask you questions from a general list that all candidates are being asked.
2. Then they will ask you questions arising from your own particular application. The questions, obviously, are the bulk of the interview.
3. After this, the interviewer will probably tell you a bit more about the organisation and the job.
4. Finally, they will ask for your questions.
Knowing the format of what to expect is a big help. But you still need to know how to handle the interview professionally in general terms. So we'll take a look at the broad points of your interview style, the sort of questions to be ready for, and how to deal with different types of interview such as panel or telephone interviews. Finally, making a good exit is almost as important as making a good entrance, so we'll see how to wind up an interview cleanly and smartly.
Interview style
Apart from answering the questions as positively as you can, there are a few other skills that will help you impress your interviewer (or avoid putting them off you). The manner in which you answer questions can be as important as the answers you give, so you need to deliver the whole package.
· Make sure you speak clearly, and answer questions without mumbling. Good body language and eye contact will help you to do this naturally.
· Don't interrupt the interviewer - even if they interrupt you.
· Apart from asking for clarification of a question if you need to, avoid asking more than a few brief questions at most during the interview. This is the interviewer's time to question you - you'll get a chance to ask them questions later on.
· Adopt a similar tone to the interviewer. If they are very formal, you need to follow suit. Be very wary of anything more than gentle humour unless your interviewer is injecting a lot of humour into the conversation (in which case laugh politely at their jokes).
· Don't ask your interviewer questions about salary. It looks as though you're only interested in the money. If they offer you the job, there'll be plenty of time to discuss the salary later.
Responding positively
We'll move on to specific questions soon, but there are certain general guidelines for answering any question that you'll need to follow. All of these are aimed at giving the interviewer a positive view of you as someone who is confident, capable and honest.
Don't ramble. Aim for all your answers to be no more than two minutes at the most, but many should be far shorter, of course. At the other extreme, try to avoid one-word answers unless your interviewer is clearly asking for clarification only (for example, 'So you're 34 now or 35?').'
· Use examples. Give plenty of specific examples of your achievements, challenges and successes. Be prepared to back up every assertion, and demonstrate every skill or achievement, with a concrete example.
· Remember the job description. Keep your answers specific to the job in question. If your interviewer asks you, for example, what your greatest strength is, pick one that will be important in this job - and give an example of it.
· Pause if you need to. If you want to think for a moment before you start answering a question, that's fine. It shows you're considering it carefully.
· Don't lie. Be as honest as you can in your answers. You can - and should - put a positive spin on the truth, but don't change the facts. This includes admitting if you don't know the answer to a question, rather than floundering.
· Don't criticise your present employer. If you're new to the job market, don't denigrate your tutor or your college course. It can make you look negative and picky (the interviewer may wonder what the other side of the story is), and it will certainly make your interviewer question your loyalty.
What the experts say
You'll be interested to know what the experts consider the key dos and don'ts of handling interviews. So here is a list of top points:
· Answer the question that is asked and do not volunteer irrelevant information.
· Keep your answers concise and concentrate on the facts, not opinions.
· Speak clearly and confidently and do not allow yourself to be discouraged.
· Constantly remind yourself that you have something to sell and focus on how you can make a positive contribution in the role.
· Try to be too clever.
Tough Interview Questions
OK, I know that almost any question can seem tough. But compared with 'How long have you been in your current job?', these questions are really tough. They're not necessarily intended to make you wriggle (though some are); they may simply be the interviewer's best way of finding out what they need to know.
As far as the interviewer is concerned, this isn't a competition. You're both on the same side, so there should be no element of trying to get the better of you, or knock you down a peg or two; certainly not if your interviewer is professional. Tough questions are generally tough simply because you're not sure how to answer them.But the point is that, whatever the interviewer's intent, any of these questions might make you feel uncomfortable if you're not prepared for them. Well, that's OK. After the following advice you will be prepared.
What the experts say
According to professional interviewers, they don't ask deliberately tough questions without a good reason. So what is a good reason? Chiefly:
*To see how you react under pressure.
*To confirm that you are telling the truth (if they doubt it).
Interviewers are particularly likely to see how you respond to questioning under pressure if they have some indication - for example, from psychometric tests - that you don't handle pressure as well as you might.
Whether or not the interviewer intends the question to be tough, you should still follow the same groundrules:
· Stay calm
· Don't get defensive
· Pause for a moment before you answer if you wish
The following questions are divided into broad categories to help you find your way around them:
· questions about you
· questions about your career
· questions about this job
· questions inviting you to criticise yourself
· questions inviting you to be negative
· questions about your salary
· unexpected questions
Questions about you
Not all the questions in this section will necessarily apply to you. If you're applying for a job that doesn't involve working as part of a team, you're not likely to be asked about your teamwork skills. If you're not applying for a management job, you won't be asked about your management style. But whatever job you are being interviewed for, you'll find that some of the questions here will apply to you and you'll need to prepare answers.
What motivates you?
You need to give an answer, as always, that also benefits your potential employer and links into the key responsibilities of the job. So don't say, 'My pay packet'. Give an answer such as, 'I'm happiest when I can see a project through from start to finish', or 'I get a real kick out of running a team that is happy and knows it is successful.'
How well do you take direction?
Keep in mind the fact that your interviewer may well become your boss if this interview goes according to plan, so it's their direction you'll need to take. The answer, obviously, has to be that you take direction well. You can add credibility to your answer by expanding it to add something like, 'I don't see how a team can function effectively unless its members are happy to take direction from the team leader'.
How do you handle criticism?
Again, your interviewer may be anticipating being your boss, and inevitably having to criticize you from time to time. They want to know whether the task will be easy for them, or whether you'll make it unpleasant.
So give an answer along the lines of: 'I'm happy to be given constructive criticism. In fact, I think being prepared to take constructive criticism on board is the only way I can hope to learn from mistakes and improve my performance'.
Do you enjoy routine tasks?
You're not likely to be asked this question unless you're applying for a job that will entail routine tasks. So clearly your answer should be, 'Yes'. However, one-word answers aren't advisable, because your reply will carry more weight if you elaborate briefly to show that you understood the question and have thought out your response.
So you could add, 'Yes, I have an orderly approach to work and I get satisfaction from carrying our routine work successfully'.
What is your management style?
There's no point in lying to questions like this, so give an honest answer. But again, make sure it's relevant. You don't need to give a twenty minute rant on the subject; just a couple of clear sentences will do: 'I prefer a carrot rather than a stick approach, and I have an open-door policy', or 'I believe a manager has to be firm with the team, and the team appreciate it so long as you are also scrupulously fair'. It helps to follow this with an anecdote - some example of a problem in your team that you resolved firmly but fairly, for example.
Are you a good manager?
This is a similar question to the one about your management style, but it is blunter. The answer clearly has to be 'Yes'; if you haven't already been asked about your style, you can describe it briefly as we saw in the answer above. Again, it is also a good idea to relate a brief anecdote illustrating your approach to managing people.
Are you a natural leader?
Since you're only going to be asked this if the job calls for a leader, the answer has to be affirmative. Follow your answer with one or two brief examples, bearing in mind that they don't have to come exclusively from work. You might point out that you were Head Boy or Girl at school, or that you direct your local amateur theatrical society, as well as giving an example from your work background.
Natural leaders, after all, often start young. So if you've been leading groups of people since you were at school, it suggests your leadership skills really are natural, and people follow you through choice.
How do you work in a team?
This is another question you need to answer honestly, but pick a relevant way to express your teamwork style. Give a brief answer, such as, 'I enjoy being part of a team, and I like the flexibility it demands. I get a real kick out of collective success.' Follow your remarks with an anecdote or example demonstrating what you mean. If teamwork is an important part of the job, you should certainly expect this question (or a variant of it) and have an anecdote ready.
How do you approach a typical project?
If you are applying for a project-based job, you should expect to be asked this question. You don't need to give a rambling answer, but show that you take into account the main components of effective project planning:
· Plan the schedule backwards from the completion/delivery date
· Work out what you need to get the job done effectively and on time
· Budget cost, time and resources
· Allow a contingency
Best of three
It's a good idea to think of the three personal characteristics you most want to demonstrate to the interviewer. Any more than three, and your message will become diluted. So pick three characteristics (out of your numerous strong points) which:
* are genuinely strong traits of yours
* are important characteristics for the job you're applying for.
Once you have identified the three characteristics you want to promote, prepare examples and anecdotes that emphasize them, as well as making whatever other point you want to illustrate. And when asked questions such as 'What would your boss say about you?', bring these characteristics directly into play.
Here is a list to give you an idea of the characteristics you could choose from (you may come up with others that aren't on this list):
Attention to detail
Focus on objectives
Good communication
Good interpersonal skills
Calm under pressure
How do you operate under stress?
Again, a question you'll only be asked if it applies to the job. A full answer will sell you better than a brief one. So say that you work well under pressure - say you enjoy it if that's true - and give an example of a time you've handled a situation well under pressure. You might also want to add that you practise good time management to make sure that you minimize the stress you have to operate under (but, as always, don't say this if it isn't true).
How creative are you?
Again, a question for people who need to be creative. So, presumably, you have examples you can give; be ready with them. If you have to do a lot of creative thinking, outline one or two key creative techniques you use, too, to show that you take your creativity seriously.
How do you get the best from people?
If you're a manager, this is a question you may well be asked. The kind of skills that interviewers want to hear about include:
· good communication
· teamwork skills
· recognizing each person as an individual
· setting a sound example
· praising good performances
How do you resolve conflict in your team?
You need to answer this question honestly, as always. And find an example of conflict in your team that you can use to demonstrate your skills at resolving it. The kind of techniques you need to demonstrate include:
· fairness
· addressing problems with individuals privately
· making sure you get to the root of the problem
· finding a solution that the people involved are willing to buy into.
Assuming it's true, you would also do well to point out, 'I find if a team is run fairly and the team members are well motivated, conflict very rarely arises.'
What would your boss say about you?
Your interviewer may well be your prospective boss, so be careful. They want to know that you're an effective worker, but they don't want you stepping on their toes. So describe yourself as any boss would want to see you. For example, 'My boss would describe me as hard working, easy to motivate and loyal. She'd say that I work well on my own initiative, and I'm a supportive member of the team.' Resist the temptation to say 'I think my boss would say ....'. Be positive and certain in your answer.
If your interviewer is likely to be approaching your present boss at some stage for a reference, make sure that your answer tallies with what your boss is likely to say about you when your interviewer puts this particular answer to the test.
What do you dislike most at work?
You love work, remember? This interviewer can safely hire you, knowing that you will be well motivated every minute of your working life. So if asked, you can't think of anything you dislike. The only possible exception is if this job is very different from your last, in which case you might say something like, 'I really enjoy my work. But occasionally I get a little frustrated in a small company that I don't get to meet customers as often as I'd like. That's one of the reasons why this job appeals to me so much.'
With intelligent handling of the questions, and following the guidelines here, you should be able to perform excellently at interview without any need to lie.
Questions about your career
Your interviewer needs to know if you're at the right point on the career ladder for them. But they also need to know where you think you're going. Are you planning to move up the organization much faster or slower than they except in this job? So the questions in this section are all designed to tell the interviewer how this job would fit into the broader picture for you in the long term.
This is one of those areas where it is important to be honest. It's not just that interviews can only work on the principle that everyone is honest, quite apart from the ethical approach to being honest. It's also the fact that if you mislead the interviewer, you could end up being offered a job that will be detrimental to your career. The interviewer knows far better than you whether this job suits your long-term aims - but only if you tell them straight what those aims are.
At the same time, you want this job, so you will - always - put your answers in the best possible light. But you'll do it without misleading the interviewer.
Why have you been so long with your present employer?
The answer to avoid is one that implies you were getting stale and should have moved earlier. Any answer that contradicts this unspoken worry on the interviewer's part is fine. For example, 'I've been there for several years, but in a variety of different roles', or 'The job was growing constantly, so it felt as though I was undergoing frequent changes without actually changing employer.'
Why have you been such a short time with your present employer?
Your interviewer doesn't want to take on someone who is going to leave in six months' time. So show them that you're not really a job-hopper, whatever your CV may appear to show. 'I'd like to settle in one company for several years, but I've found up until now that I've had to move in order to widen my experience and avoid getting stale in the job'.
You look like a job-hopper to me
This is the previous question but worse. If it is not only your current or most recent employer that you've spent a short time with, but previous employers too, your interviewer will quite understandably be concerned that you'll leave them within a few months too. Nowadays people typically change jobs roughly every two to five years, but much more frequently than this looks worrying to a potential employer. And some industries expect their people to stay with them longer than that.
If your CV gives the impression that you barely sit down at your desk before you're off again, you can expect this question. So how do you reassure the interviewer that this time you'd be here to stay? The last thing you want to do is launch into a lengthy, defensive justification for each job move in turn. Far better to give a catch-all reason for moving so frequently.
So adopt this kind of approach: 'I'd like to find a company I can settle down in and really make a mark. Until now I've found that I've had to change jobs in order to keep finding challenge in my work. For example. Then you can briefly explain just one of your career moves, and why it made so much sense. Finish by saying, 'What I'm looking for is a company dynamic enough for me to find fresh challenges without having to move to another organization.'
Why haven't you found a new job yet?
The implication behind this question is that you can't be much good if no one wants to give you a job. So you need to indicate that it has been your choice to spend some time job-hunting. You need to give a reply such as, 'It's important that I only accept a job that seems really right for me, and where I can see that I can make a contribution to the company'.
If you have turned down any offers, say so: 'I have had job offers, but I didn't feel the positions were right for me, and that I was right for the companies concerned.'
What were your most significant achievements in your current (or most recent) job?
It is unlikely that this job will require exactly the same achievements as the last - although it's great if you can find a clear parallel. So what the interviewer really wants to know about is the qualities you must have exhibited in order to score the achievement. Be ready with something that is:
· recent (or the implication is you've achieved little of note since)
· difficult to achieve
· as relevant as possible to the job you're applying for.
If you could start again, what career decisions would you make differently?
You're on a hiding to nothing if you start trying to think of hypothetical improvements to your past career. Anything you say will suggest that you're not happy with the way things are - and why would anyone want to hire someone who doesn't really want to be where they are?
So the only reasonable answer is that you wouldn't change anything; you're happy with things as they are now. You might add something like, 'I'm not the kind of person to look back with regrets. I like to invest my energy in looking forward.'
Do you consider your career so far has been successful?
Clearly, it's better to be a success than a failure, so unless you've spent long periods out of work and stuck in dead-end jobs, the answer to this question is 'Yes'. To expand on this answer (as you always should on a one-word answer), you can go on to define success in your own terms. This is particularly sensible if your career on paper may look less than outstanding, even if it's respectable.
Perhaps, you haven't moved up the career ladder as fast as you might. So you might say, 'What matters to me - more than money or status - is to have a job that is interesting and challenging, and I've been lucky in that respect. So my career so far has been very successful.'
And what if your career has had its low points, and perhaps not brought you as far as it might?
There's no point in pretending your CV glitters when it clearly doesn't - so show you are positive and looking ahead: 'I've had one or two career problems in the past, but those are firmly behind me. From now on I intend to build on the good breaks I've had and enjoy a very successful career.'
When would you expect promotion?
Don't give a firm timescale here. The answer is you should expect promotion when you deserve it. 'I would hope to be promoted once I have demonstrated my value to the company, and shown that I'm worth it.'
And show how this job suits your long-term aims: 'That's why I want to join a company that is growing so that the promotion opportunities will be there when I'm ready to move up', or 'That's why I want to join a large organization so there are plenty of opportunities when I've gained the skills and experience'.
Questions about this job
Your interviewer is well aware that there are thousands of jobs being advertised every day. So why have you applied for this particular one? They are looking for evidence that the job really suits you - that it fits in with your general aptitudes, suits your long-term goals and involves doing things you enjoy.
This is why they will use these questions to delve deeper into how strongly you feel about this job, how enthusiastic you really are about it, and how much you really think you would enjoy it and be able to contribute to the organization.
How can you attend this interview while you're employed elsewhere?
The hidden pitfall here is that you must avoid coming across as being dishonest in any way. So if you told your boss you had to stay home for the washing machine maintenance engineer to call, or that you had a doctor's appointment, keep quiet about it. Otherwise your interviewer knows that if they offer you the job, they'll be wondering what's going on every time you ask for time off to go to the doctor.
Ideally, your boss knows you're looking for work and is aware you're at an interview. However, this isn't often the case. Assuming your boss actually has no idea where you are, the only valid justification for taking time off to come here is that you were owed holiday or time off and you took it in order to be at this interview.
How does this job fit into your career plan?
It's dangerous to commit yourself too precisely to a career plan. So you might say something like, 'Business changes so rapidly these days, it's hard to plan precisely. But I know I want to get ahead in this industry/in marketing/in management and I think the opportunities to do that in this company are excellent.'
What appeals to you least about this job?
Careful here. Naming almost anything will give the interviewer the impression that you are less than 100 per cent enthusiastic about this job. So either tell them that it all appeals to you or, if you feel too glib giving this kind of answer, come up with a part of the job that is:
· a small part of it
· of no major importance
· universally unpopular
One of the best examples of this is filing, or paperwork in a job where the paperwork isn't a significant part of the job (but absolutely not if it's important to the job). But you should still express it in positive terms: 'I can't say I find paperwork terribly inspiring. But it's important to make sure it gets done. And actually, it can be quite therapeutic.'
Are you talking to other organizations as well as us?
You want to show your interviewer that you're in demand. It makes you a more attractive prospect, and if you're offered the job, it can help to push up the salary you manage to negotiate. At the same time, if you tell them you've had three other offers already, they may be put off you if they still have a long way to go - another round of interviews, for example. So indicate that you are talking to others without suggesting you're on the verge of taking another job. If it's not a downright lie, let them know if you're doing well. For example, 'I've reached the final round of interviews with three other organizations.'
What other types of job or organization are you applying to?
There's no need to divulge exactly whom you've applied to. Occasionally you may be asked directly where else you've applied, but you can avoid answering by saying that the companies concerned haven't advertised and you don't feel you should divulge the information. That lets you off the hook and shows you can keep a confidence.
But the interviewer can get round it with this question - asking not for names of companies but merely types of job and company. The important thing here is to show that you want this job. If it becomes plain that you're applying for all sorts of different jobs in different industries, it rather casts doubt on your commitment to this post. So indicate that you're applying for similar jobs within the same field.
How long would it take you to make a useful contribution to this company?
You might be thinking that you can't answer this question without more information. Quite right. So ask for the information you need:
What would my key objectives be for the first six months?
Are there any specific projects you would need me to start work on straight away?
You can use the answers to these enquiries to help with your answer. But broadly speaking, you should indicate that (unless there is an urgent project) you would expect to spend the first week or two settling in and learning the ropes. After that you'd expect to be making a useful contribution within the first few weeks, and to show significant successes within four to six months.
You may be over-qualified for this job
The worry the interviewer is revealing here is that if they offer the job you will quickly become bored and leave. You may have reservations on this front yourself, but at this stage you should still be doing your best to get the job. If you're going to turn it down, do it when it's offered - don't write it off half way through the interview.
So, for the moment, you're going to give the best answer you can. Say that strong, dynamic companies can always use whatever talents they have to hand. You want to stay with the company for a while and, if your experience and skills are strong enough, you're sure they will find a way to keep you challenged and making a full contribution.
What do you think are the key trends in this industry?
This question isn't difficult so long as you're done your research - which is what the interviewer wants to establish. This question is really the advanced version of, 'What do you know about our company?'. So the important thing here is to make sure you do your homework and identify the key industry trends, ready to impress your interviewer.
Even if you're applying for a job in the industry you already work in, you should still prepare an answer to this question. It won't necessarily come to you, clearly and succinctly, in the heat of the moment.
Questions inviting you to criticize yourself
Uh-oh. These are tricky questions, and ones you want to be careful with. You have a bit of a dilemma here: e.g. You don't want to admit to any faults or errors but, on the other hand, arrogance is one of the factors most interviewers cite as being particularly irritating. So how can you avoid conceding mistakes without appearing cocky and just too perfect?
One of the classic questions in this category is 'What is your biggest weakness?.' Here are the four techniques for criticizing yourself without admitting to anything damaging: Use humour - but be careful. This isn't the best approach if you sense that your interviewer has no sense of humour. But if they seem ready for a laugh, and it suits your personality to do it, you can use humour. If you do it every time, however, it starts to look like a cop-out (which it is, of course).
· Give an example from your personal rather than your work life, where the question allows. For example, 'I used to find getting up in the mornings a real challenge, but since I started walking the dog before breakfast I find I really enjoy getting up.'
· Pick something from a long time ago, which you can demonstrate that you're learnt from. For example, 'Decisions without a deadline used to be a problem for me - I never got round to making them. Then I discovered the trick of imposing a deadline on myself just so the decision would get made. Now I never delay decisions unnecessarily.'
· Give an answer that you claim is a fault or a weakness, but your interviewer will see as a strength. For example, 'I can be a bit of a perfectionist. I just can't bring myself to turn out work that I feel isn't as good as it could be.'
Describe a difficult situation which, with hindsight, you could have handled better
Again, the trick here is to be ready with something from a long time ago. And try to prepare an example where it really wasn't your fault you handled it as you did. For example, 'With hindsight, I can see that it would have been quicker to evacuate everyone straight down the main staircase rather than use the fire escape, but because the phones were down I had no way of knowing that the main staircase was safe.'
What sort of decisions do you find difficult?
You've never found a decision difficult in your life, of course. But the danger with some of these questions is that if you come across as being too implausibly perfect, you risk sounding glib and arrogant. So you have to admit to some minor failings, but make sure they have been overcome or are irrelevant to the job you're applying for - or else make you sound human. So you could say, 'The kind of decisions I dislike most are the ones which other people won't like. They aren't actually difficult, but I don't like making a decision to sack someone, for example.' If you've never had to sack anyone, find another example of something others don't like.
Describe a situation in which your work was criticized
If you pick an instance where the criticism was clearly unfair and you were in the right, you risk looking as if you are simply taking an opportunity to air an old grievance - maybe you're someone who bears grudges (the interviewer will think). So you need to go for the 'distant past' option.
Interviewers may well ask you this question - or a variation on it - if they want to see how you cope with tough questioning. So make sure you have an answer ready in case you need it. You should answer in two stages:
* Briefly describe the task and the criticism you received for it.
* Explain how you learnt from it and you haven't repeated such mistakes since.
Not only does this make you sound human, and as though you haven't been criticized for a long time, but it also shows that you can take constructive criticism on board and learn from it.
Questions inviting you to be negative
These questions are intended to find out if you are naturally negative or even bitchy when given the opportunity, or whether your natural instinct is to be positive. So whatever you do, don't take the bait. Refuse to be critical or negative about other people or organizations.
What is your present boss's greatest weakness?
'Where do I start?' is not the right response to this question. This question really invites you to load yourself in it. So don't fall for it, no matter how long a list of complaints you may privately have about your boss. Remember, this interviewer may one day be your boss. So tell them what they would like to hear about themselves.
Say something along the lines of: 'To be honest, I'm lucky to have a very supportive boss who is good at her job and very easy to work with.' Then look as if you're really trying to think of a weakness and add, 'I can't think of anything - if I did, it could only be something so picky it wouldn't be worth mentioning.'
How do you evaluate your present company?
It's a great company which has taught you a lot and given you lots of excellent opportunities. I don't care what you tell your mates, as far as the interviewer is concerned, that's your answer and you're sticking with it.
This reply may understandably be followed with the question, 'Then why do you want to leave your job?' Discussed under 'Most Popular Interview Questions'.
What sort of people do you find it difficult to work with?
As always, you need to resist criticizing other people. Don't be drawn into bitching about the PA in your department who's always trying to boss people around, or the programmer who is always moaning about their workload. Start by saying that you generally find most people are easy to work with, but if you had to pick a type you found difficult, it would be people who don't pull their weight, and don't seem to care about the standard of their work.
Questions about your salary
he general rule when it comes to questions about salary is to get them to name a figure rather than allow them to force the ball into your court. If you name a salary, you can bet you'll never get more than the figure you've named. So unless - or until - you have a very clear idea of exactly what they're expecting to pay you, don't commit yourself to a specific figure.
The following questions are intended to get you to name your price. The recommended answers are intended to sidestep the issue without causing offence or appearing unreasonable. Once you are offered the job, then you can negotiate.
What is your present salary?
You don't want to answer this. If you're offered the job, they'll try to get away with paying you as close as they can to your existing salary - at best it will hold the negotiating level down. Say something such as, 'I think salaries can be misleading, as it's really the whole remuneration package that counts. Of course, that's harder to quantify.' Then ask if you can return to the question later, once you get to a point where you need to talk about it in more detail (i.e., when they offer you the job).
What salary are you expecting?
You don't want to answer this one either, because there's no chance of getting any more than you say now, and a good chance of scaring them off if you ask too much. So answer a question with a question: 'What salary would you expect to pay for this post?' or ask what salary range has been allocated. If they refuse to answer at this stage, you can reasonably do so, too.
If they quote a salary and ask for your response, let them know you were thinking of something a little higher, but not out of their reach (assuming you'd agree to that yourself). If they suggest a range, quote them back a range that is higher but overlaps. So if they say £20-25,000, you might say you were thinking of £24-28,000. You're edging them up, but you're not putting them off.
How much do you think you're worth?
All these salary questions are good news, essentially. Why would they bother to ask unless they were thinking of offering you the job? This particular question is really the previous one again with a nasty twist to it. It's just a matter of justifying what you're asking for - once you've played the previous game of making them go first.
You should already have an idea of the going rate for the job in the industry or the organization (especially if it's an internal job), so ask for a little more and explain that you've studied salary surveys and so on and, since your experience and skills are above average for the job, you believe you're worth above the average pay. By the way, you can expect the interviewer to respond by saying that the figure you name is too high - that's just part of the negotiating tactic. Don't let it dent your confidence.
Unexpected questions
Some interviewers like to catch you off guard, and many of these questions are intended for just that purpose. They're not just trying to be unpleasant for the sake of it. They either have a good reason for wanting to know the answer, or they want to know how you cope with the pressure of an unexpected question. The key rules here are:
· Pause before you answer if you need to (interviewers rather like this as they can see you're really thinking about your answer).
· If you're unsure what the interviewer means by the question, ask for clarification.
· Stay cool and unflustered, and don't argue with the interviewer.
Sell me this pen
Some interviewers like asking this kind of question even if you're not applying for a sales post. The aim is to see that you focus not on features ('It's solid silver') but on the benefits to them ('It will impress people'). So give them four or five benefits of the pen (or notepad, or paperclip or whatever they've asked you to sell them), and then finish, half jokingly, with a standard closing technique: 'Shall I put you down for two dozen?' or 'Would you prefer it in black or red?'
Tell me a story
This is a semi-trick question. You're supposed to demonstrate whether you have a sufficiently logical mental approach to ask for the question to be more specific before you answer it. So ask the interviewer, 'What kind of story?' They will probably ask for a story about you, and are likely to specify whether they want a work-related or a personal story. Then just relate some anecdote that shows you in a good light (so have one ready).
Tough talking
No matter how tough the questions you are asked, if you're well prepared, you should be able to take them in your stride. Once you've absorbed the above groundrules, you should be able to answer any question - even one you hadn't specifically prepared for. Just remember:
· Stay calm.
· Take your time to answer tricky questions.
· Don't argue.
· Don't admit to any significant weaknesses.
· Don't be drawn into criticizing anyone.